Common Fractures After a Motor Vehicle Accident

Posted on Feb 10, 2017 by Conrad Saam

Following an Auto Accident?

Following an auto accident, fractures can occur anywhere in the body. Fractures that occur may result in serious trauma to the skull and brain, a spine injury or a facial fracture. Have you experienced a personal injury related to an auto accident in the Greenville, North Carolina or Pitt County areas? Read on to learn more.

Types of Fractures and Personal Injuries That Can Result from an Auto Accident

Spine Injury

Spine injuries can be minor or severe depending on whether or not your airbag was deployed or where you were positioned in the motor vehicle upon impact. A spinal injury can take place along with skull fractures or on its own from the top to the bottom. It can also occur from the cervical through the thoracic, lumbar and on to the sacral region.

Trauma may directly affect vertebrae and also result in injury to the spinal canal if it is serious enough. Related health concerns often include serious paralysis, respiratory and breathing issues and loss of certain physiological functions related to bladder and bowel disturbances. In some cases, paralysis can leave a patient immobile or with damaged nerve function as well.


Skull fractures can occur when a vehicle is impacted from the top down, if it rolls or if impact is so extreme that the head is crushed. Drivers who are ejected from their motor vehicle may also experience skull and brain trauma depending on the impact upon landing. Skull fractures can affect the brain directly and require immediate medical attention. A brain injury always takes precedence over the fractured skull.

Facial Fractures

Facial fractures may occur along the naso-orbital region, the ocular orbits, cheekbones and mandible. Facial fractures may be minor or serious, with the mid-facial region being the most concerning. A mid-region fracture may be related to more serious health concerns that can affect the entire body. Facial fractures often result in some type of surgical procedure which may or may not cause a certain degree of facial deformity.

Upper Extremity and Rib Fractures

These fractures may occur when, in anticipation of an accident, a passenger or driver outstretches their arms to brace themselves. Fractures to the upper extremity may affect the rotator cuff, humerus, wrist, fingers and ulna and radius. Along with trauma to the associated soft tissues, most of these regions will heal, but may require the injured party to wear a sling or have the area pinned. Fractures to the wrist or fingers may require casting or splinting depending on the region where the trauma took place.

Rib cage fractures that are dislocated can be very serious, posing risk of pneumothorax (lung tissue puncture). Proper evaluation will rule this out. Most rib fractures affect breathing, but medical attention with pain medication and splinting is often used.

Lower Extremity Fractures

When a person braces themselves with their feet, the force of impact may cause fracturing to the toes, ankles, fibula, tibia, and femur, reaching all the way to the hip. These injuries may occur depending on the site of impact and usually require orthopedic surgical intervention. These types of fractures can range from mid-bone breaks to complete shattering. Depending on their severity, leg and ankle injuries may require casting or splinting.

Greenville, NC Auto Accident Attorneys

I’m Brian Ricci, a Car Accident Lawyer serving Greenville, NC and the surrounding areas. If you have suffered a personal injury, please call me anytime at (252) 777-2222 or (888) 484-6881 for free, friendly advice. Let’s go over the details of your accident case over the phone and see how best to proceed. The call is free and there is no obligation to you.

I am a longtime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum. We are a group of top rated US trial lawyers with multi-million dollar settlements and case verdicts for the injured clients we have served.

Take a look at the excellent results our Greenville, NC injury attorneys have obtained on our Past Verdicts and Settlements page and our many Testimonials.

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