If You Get Injured While Using Your Personal Vehicle for Your Business Side Hustle, Your Car Insurance May Be Worthless A decade or so ago, it was pretty easy to tell which vehicles on the road were delivery trucks or taxis. But now, hundreds of thousands of Americans use their personal vehicles to make deliveries...
Auto Accidents
It is important to seek medical care following a car accident in order to document your injuries and make a speedy and full recovery. After an injury you want to seek medical treatment as quickly as possible in order to get on the road to recovery. In normal times insurance companies will examine the consistency...
When it comes to motorcycle accidents, there are quite a few more common injuries you can sustain. They include broken bones, head injuries, and road rash. These injuries might require you to have surgery to help mend them properly. Let’s take a look at what injuries you might come to expect after a motorcycle accident....
While you might see quite a few accidents on the interstate as you commute to work, these are not as common as you might think. There are several instances where it is more likely for you to get into an accident near your home or even in a parking lot. There are four places you...
Let’s picture your situation for a moment. You have just gotten into a car accident and have sustained quite a few injuries, none of which are life-threatening. However, you still need to take time off from work to recover from the injuries. The biggest problem is that you were cited for being at-fault for the...
Did you know that the State of North Carolina enforces a primary ban on texting while driving? This means that the law is even enforced without the knowledge of other traffic violations. Yes, they can pull you over just with the reasonable suspicion that you’re texting while driving. These violations are punished by a fine...
The insurance companies will look out for their shareholders instead of the people they are insuring. Because of this, they might be quick to deny your claim. They want to make sure they aren’t losing out on money for their shareholders. Because of this reason alone, they will try to deny your claim and take...
When getting into an accident, you aren’t thinking clearly due to adrenaline coursing through your body. You’re just going from point A to point B and accidents are never something you expect when walking out of your house. There are certain actions you take or thoughts you may have that can harm your chances of...