Let’s take a deeper look into what you should do after you leave a wreck with a logging truck. 1. Get medical attention for any injuries you get from the wreck. The most important thing you should do after getting into a wreck is to get medically checked out for any injuries. Any injuries you...
Auto Accidents
You find yourself in a wreck on the way home after traveling safely through an intersection. This is the first time you have ever been in a wreck and you aren’t sure what to do. Let’s take a look into the process so you can learn about the proper way to deal with a wreck....
One of the more stressful things for drivers today is a situation with an aggressive driver. This altercation could lead to a road rage incident, which can be even more stressful. What happens if this incident occurs when you are traveling to work on a tight schedule? The situation could easily turn dicey for you...
When you are in an accident with a logging truck, it can be difficult to keep up with everything you’re supposed to be looking out for. Here is a list of the five things you should keep an eye out for after the accident. 1. Injuries The first thing you should do is to check...
You got a new motorcycle for your birthday and you get into a wreck. You haven’t had the motorcycle long and this thought irritates you. You aren’t sure what the process is for reporting the wreck but you figure it can’t be very different from reporting one between two cars. Let’s take a closer look...
You have officially gotten into a motorcycle wreck and you aren’t sure what you should do next. Here are the five worst things you can do immediately after this wreck. 1. Try to handle the accident without the police present. One of the worst things you can do after an accident with another driver is...
Accidents while on your motorcycle can be catastrophic even while wearing bodily protection. There are myths about motorcycles that could be deadly for those who believe them. Let’s look closer at the five myths listed below. Do you believe any of them? 1. Helmets with full-face protection will restrict your vision. This myth could easily...
You’re coming home from work one Thursday evening and find yourself in a wreck. The person at fault for the wreck is on the wrong side of the road, heading toward you, when they hit the front bumper of your vehicle. You can’t help feeling more than a little dazed and confused by this situation...