Having sufficient automobile insurance is a requirement for drivers in North Carolina. Including a personal umbrella policy can reinforce your standard insurance in the event that you are responsible for damages that are beyond the limits of your coverage and can help protect your bank account and other personal property. However, if you have purchased...
Auto Accidents
When an accident takes place between a pedestrian and a vehicle, there can be little question as to which party will emerge the worse for wear. According to statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were approximately 66,000 pedestrians injured in auto accidents in 2013. An additional 4,735 pedestrians lost their lives...
Following an Auto Accident? Following an auto accident, fractures can occur anywhere in the body. Fractures that occur may result in serious trauma to the skull and brain, a spine injury or a facial fracture. Have you experienced a personal injury related to an auto accident in the Greenville, North Carolina or Pitt County areas?...
On Monday afternoon, January 23, 2017, a 23-year-old man overdosed on heroin and crashed into an embankment near the I-85 exit off Baker Road, injuring his 14-month-old son who was also in the vehicle. The toddler was taken to a Greensboro hospital and treated for injuries. The very next day, an unidentified woman driving a...
What Is TBI? We’ve all seen the NFL stories in the media lately regarding athletes affected by repeated high impact blows to the head, causing traumatic brain injuries (TBI). But what many don’t know is that there are many types of TBI. Doctors typically classify these in three categories: mild, moderate and severe. The mildest...
Social media is part of everyday life for millions of Americans. Facebook and similar sites are wonderful platforms for communication, until they aren’t. We as personal injury accident lawyers are all too aware of the phenomenon that is known as overshare on social media. Overshare is when someone posts way too much personal information online...
The winters in North Carolina can be unpredictable. While some areas remain mild, others can get hit hard with snow, ice, sleet and freezing rain making driving difficult. It’s important to know common causes of winter related car accidents so you can avoid them, and help keep you, your family and other drivers on the...
If you are wondering if you have a case because of a recent car accident, then the only way to know for sure is to speak to our experienced accident lawyers. We can determine if negligence is the cause of your accident, in which case you may be able to pursue compensation for your injury...