If You Get Injured While Using Your Personal Vehicle for Your Business Side Hustle, Your Car Insurance May Be Worthless A decade or so ago, it was pretty easy to tell which vehicles on the road were delivery trucks or taxis. But now, hundreds of thousands of Americans use their personal vehicles to make deliveries...
On March 27, 2020 the President signed into law the historic Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The law provides assistance for Americans who are impacted by the Coronavirus. WHAT THIS MEANS FOR OUR CLIENTS Your case will not impede your ability to collect a stimulus check or expanded unemployment benefits if...
Being injured because of your employer’s actions or lack thereof can be a stressful time for you. You are out of work because of your injury and cannot pay your bills in a timely manner. You have to watch them pile up with no way to get a strong handle on paying them all. While...
It can be easy to feel like your personal injury case is taking forever. There seems to be a snag at every turn you take toward a resolution. You can’t help but wonder if there’s a way you can speed up your case, so you can get the money you deserve after the resolution. But...
There are smaller nuances within your workers compensation case that can make a huge impact on the case itself. The answers to these questions, though you might not think about it much, can mean the difference between approval and denial of your case. Let’s take a look at these questions so you can be prepared...
You find yourself in a car accident, which is something you’ve never dealt with before. You are out of work because of your injuries and aren’t sure what to do next. You want to hire a lawyer but you have questions you want to ask first. But where do you start with those questions? Let’s...
Everyone needs extra money this time of year. With the holidays approaching, folks face plenty of added expenses — gifts, decorations, special meals, travel costs to visit family. Injured workers in North Carolina especially feel this pinch, because they are not working or earning less than usual. Often, this time of year is when the...
When you think of a whiplash injury, most think about the pain caused by their head being jerked in a new direction against the will during an automobile accident. In fact, this is how a lot of whiplash injuries are caused. There is a pinched nerve in the neck muscles that causes you significant pain,...