General Safety

One of the worst things that can happen is a disease caused by a hazard at the workplace. In this case, that hazard comes in the form of Benzene. This substance can be extremely dangerous to those who come into contact with it. It seems as though it becomes more and more dangerous the longer...

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Let’s take a closer look at what you should do after a wreck with a motorcycle if you’ve never been in one before. 1. Make sure you have a way to leave the scene of the wreck. You can ride along with the person driving the wrecker truck or you can also call a friend...

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You throw your phone into the passenger’s seat of your vehicle as you get into the driver’s seat without thinking much of it. You have plans this evening of seeing friends at a local bar and have been texting them off and on for the past hour. They want to know when you’ll be meeting...

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You have certainly heard about the dangers of drunk driving but you probably have not heard too much about the real dangers of drowsy driving. Since more people are more likely to get behind the wheel while sleepy than they are likely to get behind the wheel while intoxicated, in many regards, drowsy driving is...

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I’m Brian Ricci, a bicycle accident injury attorney serving Greenville, NC and the surrounding areas. More people are turning to riding a bicycle as a way to get around Greenville and get some exercise along the way. They join the ranks who like to ride for miles around Pitt County, enjoying the scenery while working...

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