You have filed a claim for workers’ compensation with the appropriate people but you find out that the claim was denied. You aren’t sure why this happened and you are more than a little confused by the denial. Why was your claim denied? Let’s take a look at the most common reasons a workers’ comp...
Let’s take a closer look at what you should do after you leave the scene of a wreck with a tractor trailer. 1. Get medical attention for any injuries you sustain. The first thing you should do when you get into a wreck is to check for any injuries you’ve gotten during the wreck. These...
Let’s take a deeper look into what you should do after you leave a wreck with a logging truck. 1. Get medical attention for any injuries you get from the wreck. The most important thing you should do after getting into a wreck is to get medically checked out for any injuries. Any injuries you...
One of the most frustrating aspects of a workers’ compensation claim is when that claim is denied by the insurance company. There are times when it is denied because you didn’t turn in paperwork on time or the evidence wasn’t compelling enough. However, there are times when it is denied in order to save money...
After seeing one of your co-workers die at work, you become very anxious about going back to work. It took a lot out of you because you saw him die right in front of your eyes. You refuse to think about it for very long because of the nightmares it gives you. You have severe...
A common question about workers’ compensation these days is who can benefit from it if injured on the job. Most people fall under the belief that only full-time employees can file for it. Because of this myth, there are many employees who miss out on applying for it at all after being injured while on...
Now that you’ve decided to file a workers’ compensation claim for benefits, you’ve hit a roadblock. You have been injured badly enough that you can’t show up to court dates in person. You have been put on bedrest essentially and cannot file the paperwork in person. Because of that, you’re afraid that you’ll miss deadlines....
You find yourself in a wreck on the way home after traveling safely through an intersection. This is the first time you have ever been in a wreck and you aren’t sure what to do. Let’s take a look into the process so you can learn about the proper way to deal with a wreck....