You check the cross-walk before crossing it in your vehicle, though you don’t see the person who just walked out into it. You hit the person and you can feel the impact of your car hitting them as if you were shot by a gun. You cringe as you slam on the brakes, not realizing...

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Accidents while on your motorcycle can be catastrophic even while wearing bodily protection. There are myths about motorcycles that could be deadly for those who believe them. Let’s look closer at the five myths listed below. Do you believe any of them? 1. Helmets with full-face protection will restrict your vision. This myth could easily...

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You’re coming home from work one Thursday evening and find yourself in a wreck. The person at fault for the wreck is on the wrong side of the road, heading toward you, when they hit the front bumper of your vehicle. You can’t help feeling more than a little dazed and confused by this situation...

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The thought of being disabled, even for a temporary period of time, can be frightening for some people. It is unnerving to think that you might have to take time off from work for a period of time so you can heal properly. Even if you are getting paid through Workers’ Comp during this time,...

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  1. Take a moment to calm yourself down. Make sure that you take a moment to calm down once your car has come to a stop. Make sure your mind is not racing before you get out of your vehicle. Do not make any decisions during this time, as you are emotional. Your decisions...

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You are driving to the hotel for a beach vacation over the weekend when you get into a wreck. You know the other person is at-fault for the wreck but have almost no way to prove that fact. You decide to get a copy of the police officer’s wreck report and are glad to find...

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You find yourself driving along your usual route to get home. Suddenly, someone comes out of nowhere and clips you on the passenger side of your car. You feel your vehicle traveling in a circle as your head hits the headrest violently. You can’t help yelping in pain from the way your head hits the...

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