I’m Brian Ricci, a Greenville amputation injury lawyer. Many people may take their bodies for granted, giving hardly any thought to the ease with which they use their legs, arms and hands to go about their days and complete tasks for work or at home. However, loss of the use of any one limb or...
I’m Brian Ricci, father and car crash attorney in Greenville, NC. Few things are more important to an expecting mother than the safety of her unborn child. Women who are preparing to give birth often spend an enormous amount of time researching every element of their pregnancies, from what foods to eat to which babyproofing...
With summer just around the corner, many North Carolina residents are ready for warm days spent relaxing by the pool. For kids, a day at the pool is a highlight of summer vacation, and something to look forward to during the chill of winter. Staying safe while at the pool is something that everyone should...
On Tuesday, President Trump released his Fiscal Year 2018 budget request. The proposed budget includes major cuts to Social Security disability benefits. According to a press release by the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives Executive Director, Barbara Silverstone, the cuts include: Reducing SSDI retroactive payments to six months, instead of twelve months, before...
I’m Brian Ricci, a workers’ compensation attorney serving Greenville and the rest of North Carolina. Has a knee injury been keeping you out of work and from the activities you love most? Sitting, standing, running, jumping, walking… your knees are involved and can become vulnerable to potential workplace injuries. We often think of knee injuries...
We all understand the benefits of bicycling, right? Riding a bicycle is one of the best ways of saving money on gas, sightseeing, keeping your body in shape, and reducing the carbon footprint that causes environmental pollution. Notwithstanding these benefits, bicycling comes with the risk of potential accidents that in some extreme cases could be...
I’m Brian Ricci, a workers’ compensation attorney in Greenville, NC focusing on burn injuries. Greenville and Pitt County has its fair share of industrial jobs that involve working with hazardous materials and electricity. North Carolina workers put their bodies and lives at risk every time they’re on the clock working in hazardous conditions. Most employers...
So much of what makes our nation great ties back to the labor of American workers across a wide range of industries. From construction to farming, technology to production lines, it is the workers who truly keep our country running. North American Occupational Safety and Health Week is an excellent opportunity to remember the often...