You’d easily think that staying in a hotel can be safe when traveling to your destination. What if the hotel isn’t being as careful as they should be? There have been cases of hotels being negligent in several ways when it comes to customer safety. What if you get electrocuted or even have a family...
You would think that staying in a hotel room can be pretty safe as you’re traveling from one place to another. What if, however, the hotel isn’t being as careful as they look? Hotels can be negligent in more than one way when it comes to customer safety. What if you fall victim to carbon...
An accident while on your motorcycle is incredibly stressful. You can make the claims process less stressful for yourself if you have these 5 pieces of evidence on your person. 1. Injuries Do you or the other driver have any injuries? Are there any other people in the surrounding area have injuries that need medical...
Getting into an accident while on your bicycle can be very dangerous, especially in the Greenville area. It can be shocking and nerve-wracking for you. Your injuries might be more severe because your body isn’t as protected while on your bicycle. Let’s take a look at what you should do after the accident, so you...
Let’s take a closer look at what you should do if you’re injured after a wreck with a tractor trailer. 1. Take a moment to gather your bearings. One of the first things you should do after getting into a wreck is to gather your bearings. This can include taking a moment to take a...
Driving on the roadway can be quite dangerous these days, especially if you are on a motorcyclist. There are several ways you could end up with injuries that could prove deadly. People may not see you on the roadway behind or beside them. Becoming a defensive driver, however, can prevent both the wreck and injuries...
A ruptured disk, otherwise known as a herniated disk by medical professionals, can be a very traumatic experience. There are two ways you can get this type of injury: traumatic and occupational. Either way, you will end up in quite a bit of pain that takes time to recover from. Because of that reason alone,...
North Carolina is one of the most dangerous places for a bicyclist these days. It’s hard enough to get around during the day without getting into an accident with a motorist. What about getting around at night when vision is impaired by not having the sun up? That is why you need to make sure...