Posted on Jan 25, 2017 by Conrad Saam

Jobs of all kinds can lead to someone sustaining a work related injury. As personal injury and workers’ compensation lawyers, we have seen people from a wide range of professions come through our doors with a work related injury. All it takes is a wrong move at the right time to experience a ruptured disc, one of the most common types of traumatic injury people suffer from while on the job. This type of injury is especially prevalent locally due to all of the heavy industry jobs located in Greenville, NC and Pitt County.

How a Ruptured Disc Happens While on the Job

The most undeniable aspect of aging is wear and tear on the body. The strain and stress put on the body during its 20s starts to show in the 40s. In the case of the spine, the cushions between the vertebrae, known as the discs, begin to lose some of their fluid and flexibility. For many, this shows up as a minor reduction in mobility or the occasional backache. What they don’t know is that there’s a potential problem brewing in their back.

It takes very little effort to cause a ruptured disc. All someone has to do is make a wrong move while picking up a heavy object, bending over in a chair, twisting, or operating heavy machinery that vibrates the operator chair endlessly. These actions and others like them that cause a ruptured disc are all considered a work related injury by a workers’ compensation lawyer.

Ruptured Disc Symptoms

Symptoms include numbness and pain on one side of the body, pain that goes down into the limbs, and pain that gets worse at night or when a certain movement is made. It’s rare for a ruptured disc to cause restricted mobility, but it can make it difficult for the individual to walk a short distance or to use the limb or body on the affected side.

Diagnosing a Ruptured Disc

A physician begins by performing a physical exam of the afflicted area in order to pinpoint the source of the pain. The physician will ask the patient to demonstrate range of motion to determine how bad the condition is and how it’s affecting physical performance. From there, the physician may order an imaging scan of some kind to rule a ruptured disc in or out.

Treatment of a Ruptured Disc

Treatment for a ruptured disc depends on the severity of the condition and how it responds to a conservative approach. Oral pain relievers and physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around the disc reduce inflammation and provide support to the spine. If the condition does not respond well to the conservative treatment, the physician may go to prescription pain relievers, muscle relaxers, and nerve pain medications for relief. If none of these are effective, the final option is going forward with surgery to correct the issue.

Ruptured Disc Injuries are Common and Easy to Prove

Rupture discs are a common work related injury and are easy to document with proper medical treatment. Talk to an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer about what it takes to get fair and just compensation for your traumatic injury now and for the future if a complication arises.

Greenville, NC Ruptured Disc Attorneys

I’m Brian Ricci, a Personal Injury Lawyer in Greenville, NC. If you have suffered a ruptured disc or another type of personal injury, feel free to call me at (252) 777-2222 or (888) 484-6881 for free and friendly advice. We will walk through the details of your accident over the phone and discover the best approach for you. Your call is free and you will be under no obligation to us.

As a longtime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, I am a top rated US trial attorney with multi-million dollar settlements and case verdicts for the injured clients I have served.

You can see the excellent results that our Greenville, NC injury lawyers have obtained on our Verdicts and Settlements page. You can also learn what it is like to work with our team by reading Testimonials from our clients.

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